Networking Branch

The Networking Branch is the most outward facing branch of the organization. Each of the three committees on the branch serve as the public faces of WIB, working closely with our corporate partners to plan professional events throughout the year. The Networking branch strives to provide WIB members and the Kelley community at large with opportunities to network with company recruiters, develop a variety of professional skills, and develop the confidence it takes to be a successful businessperson.

Corporate Relations

The Corporate Relations Committee provides networking opportunities for Women in Business members to exclusively interact with corporate partners and other companies recruiting at Indiana University. Networking events hosted by this committee can range from informal dinners to formal information sessions and can cover a variety of topics, including company culture and general internship/job preparation.

Professional Development

The Professional Development Committee provides members with opportunities and resources to grow as a business professional, such as hosting a mock interview event, a resume workshop, a mock career fair, and an etiquette dinner. The committee offers a supportive and encouraging environment for members to develop.


The Conference Committee spearheads Women in Business’ Annual Conference by developing a theme, securing speakers, and hosting corporate partners and guests. Past themes include “React to Passion,” “Fearless,” and “Redefining Success.” The committee engages members in activities that promote professional and personal development. The Conference Committee also represents IU Women in Business at various business conferences around the country.