Blue Ops specializes in M&A Advisory and business optimization with services in Outside Operating Partners, Due Diligence Support and CPM Software Implementation.

HealthScape Advisors is a management consulting firm dedicated to serving clients in the healthcare industry. It provides consulting services to health plans, health systems, specialty health organizations and healthcare investors throughout the country.

Grant Thornton is the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd, one of the world’s leading independent audit, tax and advisory firms.

Alvarez & Marsal (A&M) is a global professional services firm that helps organizations improve performance, manage risk, and achieve growth. A&M offers a range of services, including turnaround management, regulatory and risk advisory, and tax services.

Techtronic Industries (TTI) is a company that designs, manufactures, and sells power tools, hand tools, and other products. TTI is a world leader in cordless technology and serves consumers, professionals, and industrial users.

PricewaterhouseCoopers is one of America’s largest private companies headquartered in New York. PricewaterhouseCoopers provides assurance, tax and advisory services to clients in 158 countries.