Wibbers in Quarantine

With the current climate of todays society, WiB has continued its efforts in empowering others, fighting for justice, and ensuring that we all do what is best for our health! But, in addition to this, we’d like to highlight some behind the scene pics, stories, and lessons from our very own Wibbers in lockdown!


President, Sophie Wang

Has been…

Making monochromatic mood boards with roommates!

Exploring a local cave in Bloomington for the first time!

Meditating on Lake Monroe using the Kelley Head Space subscription!

Testing out her hammock and using it to relax in her neighborhood creek trail!


Mentorship Associate, Maddie Chew

Has been…

Taking trips to Lake Michigan with her new pup Taffy! Taffy loved her first road trip and is also the perfect partner when it comes to afternoons full of webinars and internship zooms!


Social Associate, Danielle Dionisio

Has been…

Working towards fully and actually love herself during quarantine. Danielle shared that she “went through a bad breakup and realized that (I deserved WAY better) the person who's going to remain constant throughout my life is myself. I don't hate men—I LOVE them but I learned that whatever's meant to be in my life will stay or come back at the right times. Basically I've been going through a lot of self-reflection and discovery and I'm healing every wound with the help of my loyal and amazing friends!” Here are some of the major life lessons she’s learned!

- The best way to succeed is to focus on yourself! It helps to gather inspiration from others FOR SURE, but it's always important to know that someone else's success (or beauty) doesn't detract from yours.

- Be your own best friend! You wouldn't tell your best friend to not eat that extra cookie or not have another serving, so don't tell yourself those things, either.

- Feel the emotion. Your feelings are entirely valid. However, don't let it consume you. FEEL YOUR FEELINGS AND LET THEM GO! If it doesn't push you forward, don't let it pull you back.

- ^On the same note, put your negative energy in a better place: YOU!

- People will (usually) act in their own best interests. Don't take it personally unless it's clear their intentions are to hurt you.

- Love your family. We're in college and times are sososo rough right now, but the bright side is that we get this extra time with them.

- It's not easy, but it’s worth it!

- If you're not doing so already, work to become the person you want to be.


Conference Associate, Charlotte Hagedorn

Has been…

Playing real life ‘Clue’ with her Family! Charlotte shared that she and her whole family “dressed up and it was so fun!” Each person in her family was a character and her brother even sent out individual invitations. The Hagedorn family as also played jeopardy, started baking and made tons of fam tik toks!


Other Quarantine musts/recommendations include:

  • Try the Buzzfeed lemon cake

  • Watch “I feel pretty” and “Athlete A”

  • Read “Dear Edward” and “The Immortalist”

  • Download Sculpt Society and Peloton