women empowerment

A Freshman Perspective

From the first time I stepped into Hodge Hall, I was overwhelmed with nervous giddiness. The building was intimidating with its soaring ceilings, hustle and bustle, and students walking with purpose in full business professional attire.

Doubt and insecurity immediately flooded my mind.

Did I actually belong here? Would I be able to compete alongside these incredibly talented individuals?

The first few weeks of school was me trying to find my bearings. I got to know my professors, studied for classes, and bonded with my floor mates. However, something was still not right—I was still trying to find my passion. In high school, I was highly involved in my school’s DECA chapter and that was where I had found a community of some of my closest friends. Thus, I made it my goal to find a similar community of inspiring, caring, and hardworking people. Soon thereafter, I stumbled upon WIB while talking to a friend. I have always been passionate about female empowerment, and a club that combined it with business, seemed the perfect place for me.

Even after joining WIB, I felt the same doubt and insecurity that I felt my first day in Hodge Hall. I was surrounded, again, by talented and brilliant women who were doing incredible things both inside and out of Kelley. However, instead of letting these doubts and insecurities consume me, I decided to reverse the cycle. I began talking to the women of WIB, connecting with them, and showing genuine interest in creating a relationship. Rather than seeing these women as my competition or people I had to be better than, I began to change my mindset. I started to notice all of the amazing opportunities that WIB provided, and I sought out all of them. I no longer needed to prove myself to people; instead, I was determined to work hard and help the people around me also achieve their goals.

First semester freshman year was a period of growth and change, but I am now going into second semester confident in my own abilities, knowing that I have an incredible community of strong women who are supporting me every step of the way.

Author: Spoorthi Vittaladevuni is a freshman majoring in Marketing and Business Analytics. She hopes to pursue a career within the consulting industry and is excited to be a part of WIB!